what is need for a flash charting component that can be used to render data-driven animated charts:
1- a good flash charting: can be used with any web scripting language like PHP, ASP, .NET, JSP, ColdFusion, JavaScript
2-a good flash charting:Using XML as its data interface.
3- a good flash charting:can be make full use of fluid beauty of Flash to create compact, interactive and visually-arresting charts.
4-a good flash charting:can be make Animated and interactive Charts and can quickly and easily render animated charts that have a lot of interactive options for the end users.
5-a good flash charting:can be make Easy yet powerful JavaScript integration and offers advanced options to integrate charts with JavaScript modules. You can update charts on client side, invoke JavaScript functions as hotspot links.
6-a good flash charting:No installation hassles ;clipboardTo use Charts , you do not have to install anything on your server. All you need to do is copy-paste the SWF files to your server, just like you would do to any image files - and you're ready to go! So, even on those servers which do not allow installation of ActiveX or any other form of components, and Charts can run without any hassles.
7-a good flash charting:must be Easy to use;and makes the chart creation process a painless experience for you. Since it uses XML as its data, all you need to do is convert your data into XML using a programming language or even using a text editor like Notepad etc. - and that's all what is required to create interactive and animated charts. The best part is you DO NOT need to know anything about Flash to use this chart
8-a good flash charting:Runs on a variety of platforms;TML clipboardIrrespective of what server side scripting language you're using, and can be used to create charts in that. Since old Charts uses XML as the data interface, you can run it on any server and against any scripting language. Also, to view the charts, your users just need to have Adobe Flash Player 6 (or above), which is one of the most used browser plugins on the planet.
9-a good flash charting:Reduces load on your servers;In traditional image based charting systems, the charts are generated as image at the server side. So, for each chart that you need to serve to a user, you'll have to build complex images on the server and then stream it to the client. When the need of hour is high, this can be an expensive resource on the server, as image creation takes a lot of toll on the server.
and brings you great relief - all the charts are rendered at client side using the widely installed Adobe Flash Platform. The server is just responsible for streaming the pre-built SWF files and your XML data files to the end viewers. From there on, Flash Player takes the onus of rendering the charts. Also, the chart SWF Files can be cached so that you can just update the data, and not send chart SWF files every time.
10-a good flash charting:A plethora of chart types ;and can offers you a plethora of chart types. From the basic bar, column, line, pie etc. to the advanced combination charts, gantt chart, you can build all the charts with the same ease of use.
11-a good flash charting : Avail it absolutely FREE. Period.
Free without having to spend a single buck. It has no hidden gimmicks or advertisement linking back to our website. Free means truly FREE
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